GAP Adventures have announced that they will be offering some seriously affordable Antarctic expedition adventure deals for 2009 to celebrate the launch of their new Antarctic expedition cruise ship M/S Expedition
In a recent press release, GAP claimed to be offering the most affordable Antarctic and Arctic cruises in the industry by far. According to Greg Hayes from GAP Adventues, none of their opposition can come anywhere close to their extremely low Antarctic expedition prices. "Additionally we are offering consumers $400 off all Antarctic expedition cruises booked now through January 31, 2009" Hayes told "We are gearing up for an exciting 2009 with many exciting things in store for the new year".
It appears that GAP Adventures are catapulting into 2009 with an aggressive marketing strategy, offering Antarctic expedition style cruises with prices ranging between $3,500 and $12,000. Comparative Antarctic expedition cruises on the market at the moment are currently in the $10,000 to $40,000 price bracket according to GAP Adventures.
GAP Adventures have always been known world wide for their highly affordable adventure packages, but this is the first time we've seen Antarctic expedition cruises as low as $3,500. This is without a doubt a massive price reduction and GAP are sending a loud message out across the industry.
Big win for Australian adventure travelers
With the global economic crises bighting hard around the world we're sure to see some serious competition between adventure travel companies and it would appear that Australian travelers are set to become the big winners out of it all.Not only is Australia's economy much better placed to weather the global financial storm than just about any other country on the planet, but recent surveys are suggesting that Australians are showing a much more optimistic attitude toward the global economic crises than most, if not all other nations. With lower fuel prices, plummeting interest rates and massive government incentives to keep Aussies spending, is it any wonder that the experts are now predicting that Australia is unlikely to go into recession?
With the kind of unprecedented pricing now being offered by GAP, Antarctic expedition adventure travel is now within the price range of the average Australian holiday budget.
With Australians being among the few with a fist full of dollars to spend at the moment there's no doubt that we'll be seeing some tasty offerings laid at the feet of the Australian consumer throughout the course of 2009 if these latest Antarctic expedition cruise offerings are anything to go by.
While no one can accurately predict which way Australia's local economy is eventually going to jump, there is one thing that has always held rock steady right through history, regardless of the hardships and the challenges, and that is the Australian spirit. Australians are a resilient mob who are more than capable of riding out any storm, be it financial, Antarctic or otherwise.